What is Quantum Energetics?

Quantum Energetics is a systematic process using the subtle energy to trigger the natural healing processes within the body. The ultimate aim of Quantum Energetics is to produce a state of optimum balance or health within the bio-energetic field known as the body. Specifically, QE focuses on:

  • Early detection and prevention of health problems;
  • Strengthening the immune system; and
  • Repairing injured or diseased tissue.

Quantum Energetics employs a range of techniques for evaluation and healing that includes muscle testing and touch, as well as the temporary use of ingestible substances.

The Energy Body & the Immune System

Modern medicine has been based on a Newtonian understanding of physics. This model, portraying the world as an intricate mechanism, logically progressed to an understanding of the human body as a wonderful piece of machiner. Very naturally, if a part of that machinery fails, a method is sought to repair or replace the failed part. With Einstein came the groundwork for quantum physics which recognizes that matter- at the particle level-is energy. This includes what we refer to as the physical body. As beings of energy, we understand that we are affected by energy.

A healthy body is one which is well balances and organized. Each person’s health is dependent upon his or her physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Quantum Energetics recognizes that to maintain a healthy body with proper energy balance, these energy fields must be well aligned. When any one of these fields is stressed, an energy imbalance may occur.

A poorly balanced energy system may weaken the immune system and can increase the body’s susceptibility to health disorders. An area that has been stressed may continue to function, but with limited capabilities; energy that once supported a stressed area will typically be re-routed through less effective channels. Many physical problems can be directly linked to the weaknesses created from disruptions in the energy body and a breakdown in the immune system.

The immune system is a defense mechanism against infection and disease. In most cases, the immune system handles potential problems with remarkable efficiency. However, when the body’s energy is disrupted the door may be opened to a process of disease. For example, the white blood cells – which work to destroy infection and disease – may have difficulty recognizing harmful invaders or may have insufficient energy to combat health-impairing conditions. By restoring energy balance, the immune system can work at its maximum level of efficiency as a health-maintaining system.

“As beings of energy, we understand that we are affected by energy.”

Injuries related to the birthing process are common. The impact of these injuries may be subtle but nonetheless significant. An adult who has injuries related to his birthing may discover after treatment that recurring problems that may have been attributed to overexertion, fatigue, or the aging process are no longer present. Techniques utilized by the practitioner correct imbalances in the energy of an injured or diseased area to improve overall health.

Sequential Order

Research in Quantum Energetics has established the importance of following a defined order of treatment to assure lasting results. All physiological functions are defined by numerical codes that were derived from the body’s natural vibrational frequencies. These codes are used during the initial evaluation with muscle testing to determine areas of energy imbalance.

While each client has his own unique set of coded conditions that need attention, the practitioner always checks all of the codes in numeric order and corrects the indicated imbalances according to that order. If this sequence is not followed, temporary relief for problems may occur but will not be lasting.

By following the predetermined numerical order of treatment, the healing process becomes cumulative. Each technique brings further balance to the body’s energy network and strengthens the overall body structure.

Initial Evaluation

During the first visit to a QE practitioner, the client will be asked to summarize his past medical problems and concerns. His present energy health status will then be assessed using muscle testing.

Muscle testing is a simple technique that identifies areas of energy imbalance through touch and muscle response. Using this method of evaluation, a QE practitioner can pin point existing conditions as well as areas of energy imbalance that may cause future illnesses or injuries. In this manner, Quantum Energetics is distinctly different from traditional healing disciplines which depend upon symptoms and other testing methods for diagnosis, and which offer symptom specific treatment after a problem appears.

After the examination, the QE practitioner discusses his findings with the client and makes recommendations for a treatment program.

The Role of Symptoms

A client may come to a QE practitioner with specific symptoms. Symptoms can be valuable aids in helping to analyze specific conditions. When the body’s natural harmony is disrupted, pain, dysfunction or abnormal appearance may call attention to areas of stress.

Symptoms, however, can be confusing. The same symptom may indicate different conditions. Right lower abdominal pain may be caused by energy disruptions related to kidney stones, colitis, bowel inflammation, appendicitis, ovaries, or muscular strain. Through muscle testing a Quantum Energetics practitioner can determine the energy condition which causes a symptom. However, before a symptom-related condition can be addressed, one must follow the defined sequential order and treat any disorders that might precede it. Jumping ahead to “chase a symptom: may offer temporary results, but to assure long-term gains the body’s natural order must be followed.

“Physical problems can be directly linked to the weaknesses created from disruptions in the energy body”

Symptoms can also cause confusion because they may appear and disappear. As stress is relieved in a particular area, symptoms for a specific condition will often vanish. The relief of stress may allow the body to focus on compensating for a remaining injury or illness. However, despite the relief of symptoms, the hidden condition may still be present and should be addressed. Because traditional healing disciplines focus on treating symptoms, a person might feel he can stop therapy as soon as symptoms disappear. The QE practitioner will stress the importance of maximizing an individual’s health by going beyond relieving symptoms, to dealing with underlying energy conditions.

Although everyone manifests energy imbalances differently, many people will find they have a weak area of the body which is more prone to problems. Energy imbalances and symptoms may appear over and over again in this area. But, many times, symptoms that appear in a weak area may be related to a problem elsewhere in the body. The QE practitioner will check to determine the true source of the condition.

Treatment Techniques

Treatment techniques are painless and emphasize a combination of energy transfer, manipulation, and herbal and nutritional programs. The practitioner touches treatment points, similar to those used in acupuncture, temporarily directing energy to the client. The practitioner may also apply energy in the form of gentle directional movement applied with breath, or the use of energetic properties of ingestible substances. The application of energy has been defined and measured by scientific methods showing measurable effects on enzymes and other physical systems of the body.

Unlike chiropractic treatment which emphasizes realignment of the skeleton through physical maneuvering, Quantum Energetics practitioners use soft tissue manipulation combined with breathing and touch to realign and strengthen the body’s systems and structure. Relaxation points – points that relax muscle groups – are activated to allow for non-traumatic realignment.

Herbal and nutritional supplements may also be used to balance the diet, strengthen body functions, and aid the body in ridding itself of parasites, fungus, and pollutants. These natural substances may be used in combination with other energy techniques.

Following a Treatment Plan

After the initial visit when the recommended treatment plan has been established, the client can work with the practitioner at the pace he wants. The QE practitioner will usually do two to four techniques during each visit. This may take a half hour to one hour in time. Also, the practitioner will re-check work to determine the status of those improvements.

Because each person’s health profile is a unique composite of energetic and hereditary factors, past illnesses and injuries, and present health conditions, as well as his emotional and mental health, a complete treatment plan will vary from person to person. Once all identified conditions have been addressed, a follow-up visit may be recommended within 3-4 weeks. If no other concerns are identified at this time, subsequent visits can be made as needed.


Quantum Energetics is a preventive, holistic and non-invasive approach to health. Its objective is to bring balance to the bio-energetic body and create lasting results that will allow the body to function at optimal levels.

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8:00a-5:30p M-F, Saturday by appointment