We Offer Holistic Alternative Health Care
Feel Better Naturally. The human body is capable of amazing health. It is our belief that you can reduce pain and discomfort without costly medications and surgical intervention. We offer a host of effective and non-invasive services that help restore your amazing health.Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy
Acupuncture - Meridian Therapy
Acupuncture is a principle, not a technique. Therefore, there are many ways to stimulate an Acupoint other than a needle, just as there are many different strokes used in swimming.
We use electronic stimulation, laser beam or pressure massage to treat an Acupoint. The principle of Acupuncture does not change, only the technique.
Acupuncture - Meridian Therapy
Acupuncture is a principle, not a technique. Therefore, there are many ways to stimulate an Acupoint other than a needle, just as there are many different strokes used in swimming.
We use electronic stimulation, laser beam or pressure massage to treat an Acupoint. The principle of Acupuncture does not change, only the technique.
- Reading comprehension.
- Memory and concentration.
- Learning and retention of spelling skills.
- Understanding mathematical concepts.
- Physical coordination and balance.
Foot Levelers
Your feet don’t have to hurt to be causing problems above them. Mal-aligned foot joints can cause pain, neurological deficits and other problems throughout your body. Foot Levelers orthotics, Shoethotics® and Sandalthotics® can help by properly supporting and positioning the feet.
And if your feet do hurt, Foot Levelers orthotics might help that, too.
Foot Levelers
Your feet don’t have to hurt to be causing problems above them. Mal-aligned foot joints can cause pain, neurological deficits and other problems throughout your body. Foot Levelers orthotics, Shoethotics® and Sandalthotics® can help by properly supporting and positioning the feet.
And if your feet do hurt, Foot Levelers orthotics might help that, too.
Nutritional Supplements
Start Feeling Better Today
For more than 25 years, Quantum Energetics patients have
experienced positive & powerful improvement with diverse health issues
Call or Text: (605) 205–6060
Most Available Appointment Hours:
8:00a-5:30p M-F, Saturday by appointment